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Bespoke Indivudally Created Lindt Advent Calendars

Bespoke Indivudally Created Lindt Advent Calendars
  • Name

    Bespoke Indivudally Created Lindt Advent Calendars
  • Description

    Bespoke individually shaped Lindt Advent Calendars ( size 340x250x10mm). Create your own shape of Advent Calendar from the shape of your logo or product etc. Containing either 24 Lindt Select Gold milk chocolate tablets 120g, mini Lindor balls 110g, or Sarotti chocolate tablets 103g.  

  • Dimensions

  • Shelf Life

    9 months
  • Minimum Order

  • Order Delay

    Lead times based on print runs starting last week of July, delivery schedule based on print run

Fulfilment and individual mailings available for all products!

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